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checkEntry(int[], int) - Static method in class com.alamedatechlab.googtest.NeedlesHaystackTest
Verifies that the string entered at console is an integer between 1 and 5.
com.alamedatechlab.googtest - package com.alamedatechlab.googtest
Contains only NeedlesHaystackTest, a class to exercise the findNeedles() method provided by Google as part of its writing test (2017).


findNeedles(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.alamedatechlab.googtest.NeedlesHaystackTest
Finds and counts the number of each specified word (needle) (if found) that exist in the specified file (haystack).


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.alamedatechlab.googtest.NeedlesHaystackTest
Launches program and prompts user for three pieces of variable input: the number of words (needles) in total that user wants to find; the specific words; and the name of the local text file (haystack) to search through.


NeedlesHaystackTest - Class in com.alamedatechlab.googtest
NeedlesHaystackTest is a driver for the Google writing test sample "findNeedles()" method.
NeedlesHaystackTest() - Constructor for class com.alamedatechlab.googtest.NeedlesHaystackTest
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